Generac Mobile® is pleased to announce its partnership with Trackunit® A/S to create an exclusive telemetry system for the lighting tower sector.
Launching this autumn, the new telemetric system offers a simple and dynamic platform to help customers all over the world remotely track, map and monitor industrial lighting fleets in real time.
Alessandro Rossi, Managing Director for Generac Mobile® said: “We are delighted to offer this level of intelligence in our range. The capabilities and expertise from Track Unit have been critical in enabling us to take advantage of digitalization and offer more software-based services across our product portfolio.”
Using a laptop, tablet or smart phone, the Trackunit® device allows hirers to monitor fuel levels and track the location of Generac Mobile® tower lights with live GPS. Hirers can also set alarms when units are moved outside of a designated area for improved security across multiple sites.
Notifications and daily reports can be generated when service intervals are required helping to protect hire assets for longer and enhance aftersales services to generate additional revenue streams.
Digitalization and Industry 4.0 has been enabled by blending manufacturing and industrial practices with technology.
Many sectors are already making significant gains with products which have digitalization tools such as telemetry integrated into the design.
Telemetry is set to reshape the hire sector in the way it uses and specifies lighting towers. Hirers and manufacturers can share the data insights to develop and create more intuitive products for hirers and users alike.
Alessandro continues: “Over the last few years there has been immense change to the manufacturing of lighting towers with new technologies including LED, Lithium-Ion and now telemetry.
“By taking advantage of the analytics and data gathered from telemetry, hirers can achieve considerable cost savings, create new revenue models and in the future bring forth new and enhanced product design.”
Optional features are available which include the ability for operators to control the engine remotely and improve on site fleet utilization and fuel consumption by making use of machines that are inactive.
The new telemetry system is available across all Generac Mobile® lighting towers equipped with GTL digital controller.